Genres: Action & Adventure, Violence, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Romance, Rated M/R, 18+
Universe: Star Wars: Clone Wars, Animated Series (Can be fit into The Movies, too)
Ideas For the Future: Joins The Dark Side (either as a loyalist or a spy - clone wars/new movies), Settle Down (marriage and/or a child), Join The Rebellion(newer movies)
Status: Open - Accepting | Closes At: 5 | Current: 0
❝Cᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴀʟᴀxʏ ғᴀʟʟ ᴛᴏ Tʜᴇ Dᴀʀᴋ Sɪᴅᴇ?❞

Kᴀʟɪɴᴅɪ Rᴀɴɢᴇʀ
Jedi Knight and Galactic Republic General
Daughter to Unknown Mother • Unknown Father
Mother to None
Sister to Unknown
Aunt to None

Kᴀʟɪɴᴅɪ Rᴀɴɢᴇʀ
Jedi Knight and Galactic Republic General
Daughter to Unknown Mother • Unknown Father
Mother to None
Sister to Unknown
Aunt to None
Kalindi Ranger
{cuh-lyn-dee rain-gurr}
Kal, General Kalindi
{cuh-lyn-dee rain-gurr}
Kal, General Kalindi
DoB & Age: Unknown
Twenty-Five (appears)
Twenty-Five (appears)
Human • Female
Affiliated With
Galactic Republic
The Jedi Order
Galactic Republic
The Jedi Order
Rank & Title
Jedi Knight
Jedi Knight
Yellow (Left Hip)
Blue (Right Hip - Gift from old Master)
Yellow (Left Hip)
Blue (Right Hip - Gift from old Master)
{Interested in None}
{Interested in None}
Faceclaim: Chloe Bennet
P h y s i c a l A p p e a r a n c e
Kalindi is five foot five and three-fourths inches of smart ass, flexibility, and straight up back-talk. A Chestnut-Ombre tone is the color of her hair, as well as the color of her eyes. She has a body weight of 121 pounds which is mostly pressed into muscle and her agility. Her skin is a Natural-Honey tone, but gives off a light golden glow. The skin is also soft to the touch; easily like silk. Her arms and legs are thin, and long; playing into her height. The rest of her is proportionate, but not too lanky. Her measurements are 32 inch Bust, 24 inch waist, 34 inch for her hips
If ever caught dead in a dress; her size is 4, and slim. Kalindis' chest measures out to 32C; as a cup size. For those who details really matter; her shoe size is 7. But despite all the measurements, her style isn't all that different. The female normally wears a dark gray/black type of combat suit. It's made from a thick spandex, covered in a layer of stretchy spandex mesh. The outfit wasn't able to breathe well, so she revamped it herself, to breathe better around her skin. But despite her outfit; it's usually always covered in a curtain of a brown jedi robe, cheaply made herself. The robe itself is cheaply made, but will hold together regardless, and it has a hood that can be drawn up to cover her head at any time.
The suit covers every inch of skin, except her face, fingers, and feet. Over her feet are a set of low-sole boots, that run up to her knees; made from a type of durable leather, several straps and the extra pieces were added to the surface of the boot. Her hands usually wear a set of black leather gloves, that cover her wrists, and run up to her middle knuckles. Over the wrist of her arms, are plates of beskar armor; able to reflect saber blades, that can extend to cover her entire forearm by the press of a button.
Her many accessories are as listed, but not limited to a set of leather blaster holsters; on both outer thighs, able to carry around two sidearms if she ever felt it necessary. Around her hips is clipped a multi-use belt. One of the several uses are the holders for her sabers; the belt strapping them tightly to her sides, while having other compartments and pockets with explosives, and EMPs, and other tiny devices. Vertically down her chest is another belt-like strap, with several pockets over the chest to place things that she picks up on the run.
P e r s o n a l i t y
With her bright side, comes her darker side. Kalindi can become consumed with rage and pushed to act erratically. Though it's gotten rarer overtime for her to lose her temper, it is not uncommon for it to be seen. Often times she will lung at people, storm out of rooms and even occasionally throw things around. Lots of her anger and outbursts are fueled by emotion. She is someone who feels deeply and holds things very personal. (being edited)

B a c k s t o r y
Kalindi Ranger was a woman born of Jedi blood, of which lineage is unknown. A small family, unable to birth their own child, took in the infant Kalindi and raised her as their own. When she was about five years of age, she began to show an affinity with The Force, unlike anything the small family had seen. At seven, Kalindi was sent off to the Jedi Academy. It was here that she learned the ways of the force, The Light and Dark Sides of it, how to use it and even how to craft and fight with her own lightsaber.
In her teen years Kalindi showed a potential that people hadn't seen in a while. She was able to graduate to a Jedi Knight by the age of twenty-one, all while climbing in the ranks of the Galactic Republic. Kalindi fought alongside legends of many names and skill levels, befriending them all. When she became a General; much like the other Generals, she was given her own section of the Clone army to command. The 626th Legion made up of 9,216 clones of varying rank and ability was - and still is, run by Kalindi to this day.
The Awakening To A New Order (to make her fit in the movies)
During the execution of Order 66, Kalindi and a small trusted few of her 626th legion were returning to Coruscant after completing a mission on a far off planet. On a small vessel, able to house four clones and the General herself, war broke out. While speaking to the pilot of the ship, Kalindi overheard the call from Senator Palpatine before her clones drew and fired at her. Unlike the other unlucky Jedi who were outnumbered, Kalindi was able to kill the clones - But not without suffering injuries. The clone pilot even attempted to take Kalindi's life and was quickly killed as well. The General, injured but nothing life-threatening, attempted to steer the ship towards a republic run planet. On her way towards this planet, Kalindi's small vessel was pulled into a vortex that spat her into a region of space that completely froze her ship - locking her in a cryogenic state.
An uncertain amount of years passed before Kalindi would awaken in deep space, barely having enough power to forcibly land the ship on an unfamiliar world. A small lake swallowed the vessel that delivered her to the planet's surface, leaving the Jedi stranded in a time far ahead of her own. On this planet, Kalindi was able to discover what had truly happened to everyone she had known. The Jedi had lost and to anyone alive now, were merely a myth. The Empire had taken over the galaxy under a new name, The First Order. Kalindi was a woman out of place, an unlikely survivor of a massacre that was now a long forgotten time to most.
{Interests: None, Yet}
Despite her lack of experience and her Jedi uprising - that has taught her that relationships aren't allowed - Kalindi isn't against the idea of finding someone for her, but she is not actively searching.